الاعتناء ببعضنا البعض
Briga jedni o drugima
مراقبت از یکدیگر
Турбота один про одного
Prendre soin les uns des autres

Do you want to open a food distribution site or optimize the one you currently manage?
So do not hesitate to contact us, we will share our expertise with you in order to facilitate the realization of your project. All our services are FREE.
Symbol and values

We chose the Olive Tree to symbolize our action because it is an emblem of peace, love and spirituality. He also embodies wisdom and stands as the pillar of our most cherished values.
It is also the first name of our founding president who died suddenly 4 days after the creation of our association and whose values continue to guide us.
THANK YOU Olivier!
Live together
Learning to live together again means rediscovering values such as fairness, kindness and generosity.
Here, beneficiaries and volunteers simply take care of each other
By fighting against waste and promoting the recovery of unsold food, our action not only helps people in need, but also contributes to taking care of our planet.
By adopting these practices, we can create a more sustainable and caring society, where every action counts and every individual is valued.
Fight against waste

Our engagement
We are committed to working tirelessly for a future where solidarity and respect for the environment are at the heart of our daily actions.
Optimization of the recovery of unsold food in collaboration with supermarkets.
Fight against food waste in Riviera homes
Implementation of a reintegration program in collaboration with the AI.
Raising awareness of poverty with active participation in food distributions.
Guided tours of the RELLER site with presentation of our eco-responsible operation